DMA2D transformations

This post on the STM32 forum contained a link to STM32F429 DMA2D bilinear bitmap resize by Alessandro Rocchegiani, which is a combination of several nice tricks utilizing the DMA2D unit of STM32:

Basing on the "manually Mx repeated 1xN transfer" trick for MxN images, together with the different skip/offset of source and destination, three additional transformations can be performed: flip (mirroring) around vertical axis [2], flip around one of the diagonals [3], and 90° rotation [4]. Also, flip (mirroring) around horizontal axis [1] can be performed as "manually Nx repeated Nx1 transfer".

Flip and rotation using DMA2D

Some of these transformations may be combined to a single process (e.g. 90° rotation and resize). [1] and [2] can be used also to scroll images.

The "manual" overhead may result in these transformations being performed using DMA2D to be more expensive than performing them manually. For the non-integer expansions/stretch, the color interpolation using DMA2D's blending is almost certainly more efficient than performing it in software, and especially for larger images even the plain transformations may turn out to be more efficient/faster.

Created: 17.July 2021