As has been discussed previously, the ADC's sampling capacitor after conversion is charged to a voltage, depending on the internal structure of ADC. However, this voltage depends also on the converted input voltage, i.e. voltage to which the sampling capacitor was charged before conversion.
Pin PA1 is floating, loaded only by capacitance (cca 18pF) of a 1/10 oscilloscope probe. Before the sequence of conversion, this capacitance is discharged to 0V by briefly setting PA1 to GPIO Output at 0 level, and then back to Analog.
After a single PA3-PA1 sequence of conversion, the following voltages were measured on PA1 (for various setting of PA0/PA2, resulting in indicated voltage on PA3):
PA3 | 0.00V | 1.35V | 2.50V | 2.90V |
PA1 | 0.15V | 0.45V | 0.68V | 0.78V |
PA3 | 0.00V | 1.35V | 2.50V | 2.90V |
PA1 | 0.30V | 1.14V | 1.88V | 2.12V |
So, voltage changes on previously converted channel (let's call it A) do have some impact on the next converted channel (B), if the input signal source of channel B has too high impedance. Users may perceive such influence as "crosstalk" from channel A to channel B.